Willkommen beim MUSC Datenarchiv und Informationssystem.

Das Nutzerzentrum für Weltraumexperimente MUSC unterstützt verschiedene Raumfahrtprojekte durch die Langzeitspeicherung von missionsbezogenen Informationen. Über diese Webpage erhalten Sie Zugang zu den archivierten Daten und Dokumenten. Bitte wählen Sie eine Anwendung durch Drücken der entsprechenden Schaltfläche. Prüfen Sie bitte zuvor die Systemvoraussetzungen für den erfolgreichen Start der Anwendung.

Welcome to the MUSC Data Archive and Information System
The user support center MUSC supports various spaceflight projects by providing long term storage of mission related information. Through this webpage, you can access archived data and documents. After checking the system requirements, select an application by pressing the corresponding pushbutton.


Operating System
The software was successfully tested on different operating systems (MS Windows, Debian Linux). It probably works with Mac OS. However, Mac OS users should consider the use of a virtual machine to run Vlab under Windows or Linux.

Java Runtime Environment
A Java runtime environment (version >= 1.7) is required on your computer.
You can download a recent version of the Java Runtime Environment from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html

Java WebStarter Proxy Settings
If the WebStarter fails to launch the Vlab Client software and reports an IO error, this may relate to your WebStarter proxy settings. If you are using a proxy server to connect to the internet, the WebStarter also uses this proxy server by default. This may result in problems if you are trying to connect to a host in the intranet.
To solve this problem, launch the Java WebStart Manager (Start Menu->Programs->Java Web Start->Java Web Start, for Linux systems please confer "Java WebStarter and Linux Systems"). Open the File->Preferences dialog and select the "None" option in the Proxy section. Exit the Manager and launch the Vlab Client Application again.

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